Our Vitalize Gastro Plus E is a grain-free pellet for horses with sensitive stomachs.

Not only stomach ulcers, but also general digestive problems have a negative impact on the well-being of horses and their athletic performance. Nutrients can then no longer be optimally absorbed, resulting in abdominal pain, loss of stamina and discomfort.

With its pectins from apple pomace and beet pulp, our Vitalize Gastro Plus E is very high in fibre. The horse's stomach is protected by the highly broken down nutrients. The addition of AO-Ferm, a prebiotic, can support and strengthen the microbial colonisation of the large intestine, which can optimise nutrient absorption. With the high levels of essential amino acids, vitamins - especially vitamin E with over 400 mg - and trace elements, even intensively stressed horses are optimally supplied with all the nutrients they need. The high content of small intestine-digestible protein in this feed supports the muscles and can help even heavy-fed horses regain more body mass. We have deliberately not added alfalfa to this feed, as horses with sensitive stomachs in particular can benefit from an alfalfa-free diet. The necessary proteins come from high-quality linseed meal, sunflower meal and rice bran. As stress and stomach problems often go hand in hand, Vitalize Gastro Plus E also contains magnesium to support the muscles and nervous system. Vitalize Gastro Plus E is suitable for all horses that need to be fed a diet that is gentle on the stomach, but are also used for sport.

The benefits at a glance:

  • With the fermentation product from the fungus Aspergillus oryzae (AO-Ferm)
  • Improved performance thanks to amino acids and vitamin E
  • Without alfalfa, therefore particularly gentle on the stomach
  • Optimum digestion thanks to ingredients rich in crude fibre
  • With milk thistle oil, with an optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

verteerbaar Eiwit (vRp): 123,9 g/kg verteerbare Energie (MJ DE): 9,40 MJ DE/kg Metabolizable energy (MJ ME): 6,20 MJ ME/kg

Weidehooi 23,0 %
Zonnebloemextractiemeel 22,0 %
Fruit (appel) pulp gedroogd 17,0 %
Lijnzaadextractiemeel 9,0 %
Melasseschnitzel 6,0 %
Schwarzkümmelkuchen 5,0 %
Rijstzemelen 3,6 %
Magnesiumoxide 3,2 %
Suikerbietenmelasse 3,2 %
Mariadistelolie 2,5 %
Calciumcarbonaat 2,4 %
Natriumchloride 2,0 %
Tarwezemelen 0,5 %
Product van Aspergillus oryzae, rijk aan eiwitten 0,1 %
Ruw eiwit 15,90 %
Ruw vet 5,50 %
Ruwe vezels 17,10 %
Ruwe as 13,60 %
Calcium 1,30 %
Fosfor 0,45 %
Natrium 0,85 %
Magnesium 1,85 %
Zetmeel 1,00 %
Suiker 7,00 %
Vitamine A (3a672a) NA 12.000 I.E.
Vitamine D3 (3a671) NA 1.200 I.E.
Vitamine E (3a700i) NA 440,00 mg
Vitamine C (3a312) NA 48,00 mg
Vitamine B1 (3a821) NA 2,40 mg
Vitamine B2 (3a825i) NA 3,20 mg
Vitamine B6 als pyridoxinehydrochloride (3a831) NA 1,60 mg
Vitamine B12 (3a835) 24,00 mcg
Niacine (3a314) NA 24,00 mg
Calcium-D-pantothenaat (3a841) NA 16,00 mg
Foliumzuur (3a316) NA 2,40 mg
Biotine (3a880) NA 480,00 mcg
Cholinechloride (3a890) NA 80,00 mg
IJzer (3b103) (ijzer(II)sulfaat, monohydraat) NA 40,00 mg
Mangaan (3b502) (mangaan(II)oxide) NA 128,00 mg
Zinkoxide (3b603) NA 200,00 mg
Koper (3b405) (koper(II)sulfaat, pentahydraat) NA 32,00 mg
Calciumjodaat, watervrij (3b202) NA 1,60 mg
Selenium (3b801) (natriumseleniet) NA 0,70 mg

NA = Voedingsfysiologische additieven
ZA = Zootechnische additieven
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensorische additieven
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

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