Supplementary feed for guinea pigs
Our Uncle Pet Premium Guinea Pig Feed is a balanced supplementary feed, which contains all the natural goodness of high-quality cereals, herbs, fruit and vegetables, helping to ensure that your guinea pig is receiving a species-appropriate diet. The dried peppers, carrots and apple pieces not only add flavour but also provide important nutrients, as well as vitamin C for a strong immune system. Thanks to the addition of our Eggersmann Micro-Herbs, a fermented plant extract made from a variety of wild, medicinal and aromatic herbs, this feed is extremely easy to digest, and therefore ideal for guinea pigs with digestive problems.
Maïs (vlokken) | 14,4 % |
Luzernegrasmeel | 14,3 % |
Zonnebloemextractiemeel | 8,1 % |
Gerst (geëxpandeerd) | 8,0 % |
Maïs (geëxpandeerd) | 8,0 % |
Tarwezemelen | 6,0 % |
Luzerne gedroogd (hooi) | 5,0 % |
Gerst (vlokken) | 5,0 % |
Haverzemelen | 4,7 % |
Fruit (appel) pulp gedroogd | 4,4 % |
Erwten (vlokken) | 4,0 % |
Haver | 4,0 % |
Johannesbrood verkruimeld | 4,0 % |
Lijnzaadextractiemeel | 2,1 % |
Maïs | 1,9 % |
Wortelen (gedroogd) | 1,6 % |
Mariadistelolie | 1,5 % |
Peterseliestengels | 0,8 % |
Appel (gedroogd) | 0,8 % |
gefermenteerd plantenextract (EMH) | 0,6 % |
Suikerrietmelasse | 0,2 % |
Rode biet (gedroogd) | 0,1 % |
Ruw eiwit | 13,20 % |
Ruw vet | 4,40 % |
Ruwe vezels | 12,00 % |
Ruwe as | 4,40 % |
Calcium | 0,46 % |
Fosfor | 0,42 % |
Natrium | 0,04 % |
Magnesium | 0,18 % |
Vitamine A (3a672a) NA | 7.500,00 I.E. |
Vitamine D3 (3a671) NA | 700,00 I.E. |
Vitamine E (3a700i) NA | 150,00 mg |
Vitamine C (3a312) NA | 30,00 mg |
Vitamine B1 (3a821) NA | 1,00 mg |
Vitamine B2 (3a825i) NA | 2,00 mg |
Vitamine B6 als pyridoxinehydrochloride (3a831) NA | 1,00 mg |
Niacine (3a314) NA | 15,00 mg |
Calcium-D-pantothenaat (3a841) NA | 10,00 mg |
Biotine (3a880) NA | 290,00 mcg |
Foliumzuur (3a316) NA | 1,50 mg |
Cholinechloride (3a890) NA | 48,00 mg |
IJzer (3b103) (ijzer(II)sulfaat, monohydraat) NA | 8,00 mg |
Mangaan (3b502) (mangaan(II)oxide) NA | 25,00 mg |
Zinkoxide (3b603) NA | 40,00 mg |
Koper (3b405) (koper(II)sulfaat, pentahydraat) NA | 7,00 mg |
Selenium (3b801) (natriumseleniet) NA | 0,15 mg |
Calciumjodaat, watervrij (3b202) NA | 0,30 mg |
NA = Voedingsfysiologische additieven
ZA = Zootechnische additieven
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensorische additieven