Uncle Pet Premium Rabbit Muesli
Rabbit Feed
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Supplementary feed for rabbits

Our Uncle Pet Premium Rabbit Muesli is an appetising supplementary feed for all rabbit and dwarf rabbit breeds. With all the natural goodness of fermented herbs and carrots, it can help to strengthen your rabbit’s immune system. At the same time, it provides many essential plant-based nutrients. Its coarse structure with long fibres encourages chewing, which helps to support correct dental attrition. Thanks to the addition of our Eggersmann Micro-Herbs, a fermented plant extract made from a variety of wild, medicinal and aromatic herbs, this muesli is extremely easy to digest, and therefore ideal for feeding rabbits with recurring intestinal problems.

Maïs (vlokken) 20,0 %
Gerst 14,0 %
Gerst (vlokken) 10,5 %
Luzernegrasmeel 10,4 %
Zonnebloemextractiemeel 5,8 %
Erwten (vlokken) 5,0 %
Luzerne gedroogd (hooi) 4,9 %
Tarwezemelen 4,3 %
Johannesbrood verkruimeld 4,0 %
Haverzemelen 3,4 %
Fruit (appel) pulp gedroogd 3,2 %
Gerst (geëxpandeerd) 3,0 %
Maïs 2,8 %
Maïs (geëxpandeerd) 2,0 %
Zonnebloempitten 1,6 %
Lijnzaadextractiemeel 1,5 %
Mariadistelolie 1,4 %
Wortelen (gedroogd) 0,9 %
gefermenteerd plantenextract (EMH) 0,6 %
Suikerrietmelasse 0,2 %
Rode biet (gedroogd) 0,1 %
Ruw eiwit 13,00 %
Ruw vet 4,60 %
Ruwe vezels 10,40 %
Ruwe as 4,10 %
Calcium 0,40 %
Fosfor 0,40 %
Natrium 0,04 %
Magnesium 0,17 %
Vitamine A (3a672a) NA 5.500,00 I.E.
Vitamine D3 (3a671) NA 500,00 I.E.
Vitamine E (3a700) NA 100,00 mg
Vitamine C (3a312) NA 25,00 mg
Vitamine B1 (3a821) NA 1,00 mg
Vitamine B2 (3a825i) NA 1,00 mg
Vitamine B6 als pyridoxinehydrochloride (3a831) NA 1,00 mg
Niacine (3a314) NA 11,00 mg
Calcium-D-pantothenaat (3a841) NA 7,00 mg
Biotine (3a880) NA 210,00 mcg
Foliumzuur (3a316) NA 1,10 mg
Cholinechloride (3a890) NA 35,00 mg
IJzer (3b103) (ijzer(II)sulfaat, monohydraat) NA 6,00 mg
Mangaan (3b502) (mangaan(II)oxide) NA 18,00 mg
Zinkoxide (3b603) NA 30,00 mg
Koper (3b405) (koper(II)sulfaat, pentahydraat) NA 5,00 mg
Selenium (3b801) (natriumseleniet) NA 0,11 mg
Calciumjodaat, watervrij (3b202) NA 0,28 mg
Propionic acid (1k280) 402,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Natriumpropionat (1k281) TA 389,00 mg
Propionsäure aus Calciumpropionat (1a282) TA 484,00 mg

NA = Voedingsfysiologische additieven
ZA = Zootechnische additieven
TA = Technological additives
SA = Sensorische additieven
Subject to change


Heinrich Eggersmann
Futtermittelwerke GmbH
Bruchweg 11
32699 Extertal


Tel: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-0
Fax: 0 57 51 / 1 79 3-19
E-Mail: info@eggersmann.info

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